Serving the churches of Medway
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 NIV
A blank canvas
“See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the LORD swore to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—to give to them and their descendants after them.”
Deuteronomy 1:8
On behalf of the Churches in the Medway Towns, I want to say a very happy new year to you and all your loved ones in your family circles as well as those within your congregations.
Welcome to another start of twelve months.
In many ways, this is the beginning of a project take would take 365 days to finish, and our time has already started ticking away. The plans, projections and thoughts we had prepared as we contemplated 2025 would now begin to unfold as we go through each day.
As I have considered the days ahead within the current realities of the approaching seasons of life across our various communities, I have had a few reflections about this year which the Almighty God, the great shepherd of all time has set before us with a clear mandate to take charge of it using a combination of our faith in His words and specific actions driven by our faith in God. We have a blank canvas on which we can paint our own picture reflecting the vision we have in our hearts about this year.
Considering the spiritual state of our communities coupled with the great welfare need driven by the economic pressures many are under, as Ambassadors of Christ, ‘we must go’ to reach our community with the word of hope provided in scriptures alongside relevant help we can offer to those who need it where we find ourselves. Each of us across our congregations and para- church organisations can make a positive difference to change the narrative and outcomes for many. A commitment to pray specifically at an increased tempo for those with needs within and more intentionally outside of our congregations would go a long way to keep these whom God loves on our hearts too, just as they are on God’s heart.
While holding on to the thought of going with the word of life in scriptures to our communities, please remember to popular saying ‘Together, each achieves more’ shortened to the acronym ‘TEAM’. As I am sure many of us would remember, the heart cry of God remains unity of His people so the myriads of divine blessings can flow to them abundantly all the time. Psalm 133:1-3, John 17:21, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 are a few verses of scripture that emphasise the power of unity among Christians. We become a formidable force for good when we come together, this is both the heartbeat of God and the Churches Together in Medway! Make 2025 the year of walking alongside others in the body of Christ across the rich diversity of fellowships and traditions in God’s church in Medway.
Sign up to be active members as leaders and encourage the whole members of our church/para-church organisations to be a part of the regular meetings as appropriate where we share initiatives that could be of benefit to all of us and pray together.
In the story found in Luke 5:5-7, Jesus told Peter the fisherman who had fished all night without success to launch out yet again to the deep and try to bring in the harvest. This was a clear instruction to go! As Peter obeyed Jesus, there was such a miraculous catch of fish that it began to sink Peter’s boat. To successfully land the harvest, Peter had to call on his partners in the other ship to help bring it in.
Today, God through the CTiM needs you to partner with us to bring in the harvest. No single congregation on their own could gather in the harvest of souls ready for the Kingdom of God now, you and your congregations/organisations are needed. Let’s make 2025 a year of working together more closely.
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!“
John 4:35
Stephen Bellow
Chairman, Churches Together in Medway
[email protected]
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Churches Together in Medway supported the planting of a small wood at Buckland Farm, Cliffe.
This event was part of an initiative which marked the platinum jubilee of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee and it enabled the Churches to show their united desire to care for our planet. Those planting trees included church leaders from CTiM and children from St. James School, Isle of Grain and St. Helen’s school, Cliffe as well as those living on the peninsula.

Serving the churches of Medway
Churches Together in Medway exists to help followers of Jesus from various worshipping communities to meet and better know one another.